Schools Work
At Holy Trinity we have strong links with our church school, Tewkesbury Church of England Primary, and run a well attended lunchtime club for pupils, regularly take assemblies and enjoy getting involved in lessons and special events. As a church school we serve on the school Governing Body as foundation governors and parent governors.
We love having the children from many of the primary schools in Tewkesbury visit our church for joiners services where we welcome the new Reception children, for Harvest services and for Experience Easter and Experience Christmas where we set up interactive stations around the church which teach the true message of these special Christian festivals. Members of our church are also involved in Open the Book teams which go into local schools to deliver dramatised Bible stories in a fun and interactive way.
We are big supporters of iSingPOP, a charity which aims to bring schools, churches and the community together through music. iSingPOP workers spend a week in school teaching the children a set of positive and catchy songs and we then host an evening concert for parents and the local community. It's great to see our local schools getting involved in this initiative and we love welcoming the children and the wider community through our doors.
In September 2018, we supported over 700 primary school children from 10 local schools visiting our partners at Tewkesbury Baptist Church hosting 4Front Theatre for the week. 4Front Theatre presented 'Operation Bible' - an interactive, walk round experience for primary age children all about the life and miracles of Jesus.