This series follows the Practicing the Way Course and is designed to lay a foundation for lifelong apprenticeship to Jesus.
In this series we are looking at the Gospel of Mark, looking at two focuses: Christology and Discipleship.
Listen to our latest series where we will be asking 'Who is the Holy Spirit?', 'What does the Holy Spirit do?' and 'How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit?'
We will be following the theme of Giving during the next few weeks
Listen to our weekend sermon series on Ruth with our guest speaker Nigel Langford
We are revisiting and renewing our learning more about God's Big Story
Exploring Jesus' teaching by looking at Matthew in the new testament.
Here are some stand alone sermons that are not part of a sermon series, but are still well worth listening to!
Series exploring individuals in the Bible who encountered God in various ways and the impact it had on their lives.
Recognising where God has placed us in our Monday to Saturday lives and how we can be effective in our witness to God's love in those places.
In this series we are looking at Luke chapters 22 to 24.
In this 7 week sermon series we seek to have a better understanding and appreciation of the Creed as a whole.
Teaching from the Bible Course based on Andrew Ollerton’s book ‘The Bible – A story that makes sense of life’
In this mini series we will look at some of the issues facing the early church in this letter and how it relates to the church today.
Looking at the miracles of Jesus; focusing beyond the event itself to the One to whom it points. ‘What does this miracle say to us today?’
A look at how the Holy Spirit transformed and empowered the first followers of Jesus to become the dynamic, attractive community of love that is the Church.
This sermon series encourages us to have faith in God’s sovereign purposes, that he is in control, no matter how pleasant or difficult life might be.
Listen to the teaching and see all the presentations from our Church Weekend Away to Cefn Lea June 2022.
Sermons preached by visiting Mission Partners
Short sermon series on living life in the Spirit covering Power, Purity and Prayer