Thanksgiving (Naming) Service
The birth of a baby is always a very special and wonderful time. It is an occasion when we like to gather family and friends together to celebrate the gift of new life. One way in which parents like to do this is by coming to church for a Thanksgiving or Naming service. This takes place as part of our regular Sunday morning gathering. It provides the opportunity to celebrate the birth of a child and have prayers said for the child as well as the parents as they take on the responsibility for caring for this precious baby. You don’t need to be a regular church goer or particularly religious to come and name your child and give thanks for a safe arrival. There is no requirement for you to make promises that you feel in all honesty you couldn’t keep. You can come with friends and family and simply celebrate.
Baptism (Christening) Service
If you would like to have your child baptised at Holy Trinity then we would love to talk you, whether you live in our parish or not. We hold baptisms as part of our Sunday morning service where members of the congregation can welcome you and your child into the family of the church. In this service you would be required to make important promises to God about your life and faith and for this reason we ask any who might inquire to attend a Sunday service on 3 occasions so that you can have confidence to know what to expect when making promises to bring your child up within the family of the church.
A baptism is just the beginning of your child's journey and afterwards we hope that you will help them grow in faith by:
Being there for your child to talk to about the bigger questions of life – questions about hope, faith and love.
Praying for your child through the ups and downs of their faith journey.
Showing them practically how to make those good choices in life.
Helping them to learn more about their Christian faith, by being part of the family of church and in other ways.
If you are interested in finding out more about having a Thanksgiving or Baptism Service for your child then please contact us.